
Could I learn to love it?

The Dude wants a Poang chair. I understand that they are comfortable, but I'm just not into it.

My mind could be changed with the sheepskin cover though.


  1. I know what you mean. I'm not a huge fan either, but they do look good when you see them in all the blogs.

  2. I think that one would match your decor nicely. My mom has a brick red leather one and it's hideous looking. It is comfy for watching tv though....although, just imagine that sheepskin mixed with blag dog fur!

  3. this chair always throws me. . . I look at it and I want to say "eww", but then something about the bentwood frame makes me sorta change my mind. . . and then I look at it agian and think it's verges on ugly, and then I think I "hmm, maybe that will work in my living room". . .

  4. I am so torn about this chair. I always associate it with my college roommate's first apartment with her boyfriend. So to me it equals immediate post-dorm life fancy. But then you sit it in and it's comfortable and they are coming out with some good color combos and I think, "maybe ..." But so far I've yet to take the plunge.

  5. Agreed! It's on the "maybe" list.
